Posts tagged Poplar Point

  • Dinner links: Elected officials behaving badly edition

    Don’t they have better things to do? According to DC Wire, Council Chairman Gray found Dan Tangherlini parking in his spot, so he parked in Tangherlini’s spot, and then the mayor’s office threatened to tow Gray’s car. Having a playground spat over parking spaces is unseemly enough, but when elected officials make parking space pecking orders a major perk…  Keep reading…

  • Brunch links: everyone else already linked to it edition

    Notyetworth or Lawn and Order? City Paper has a feature on DC’s neighborhoods, with cutesy names like “Sacramento” for CUA/Brookland or “Banana Republic Republic” for Georgetown. The accompanying essays for each neighborhood are much less superficial than I expected. The one for Subarubia (Tenleytown/AU Heights) gives a lot of ink to the smart…  Keep reading…

  • Open space versus parks

    And Now, Anacostia rebuts Marc Fisher’s criticism of a soccer stadium at Poplar Point. ANA and my commenters make several points, including that the money would be for infrastructure like roads rather than for the stadium itself (unlike with the ballpark), or that Fisher simply prefers baseball to soccer. Ryan Avent, though, is still skeptical.  Keep reading…

  • Soccer stadium won’t stimulate the economy

    Marc Fisher argues that a soccer stadium in Poplar Point won’t generate the same level of economic development as the basketball arena or the ballpark for the simple reason that the arena hosts 200 events a year, the stadium 100, while Major League Soccer stadiums are active only 35 times a year (and football stadiums least of all with only 8 games a year).  Keep reading…

  • Popular parking at the Poplar park?

    Council Chairman Vincent Gray is suggesting that any parking built on Poplar Point for a soccer stadium could be used for baseball games at other times. It’s not a bad idea, as long as the parking is charged at market rate. On the other hand, I wonder how needed it will be—if the ballpark can get by for a few years without Poplar, people will already be used to taking Metro, and…  Keep reading…

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